Goes by the brand name

Of indian origin

Of Indian Origin is a collective of artisan-based cottage industries, providing a platform that promotes hand-crafted products made in India to a global audience. We currently work with over 100 artisans and as many craft traditions. Our online store showcases a mindfully curated or co-created product line that articulates cultural identity.

Artisan collaborative

Global market reach for rural artisans, employment and wealth creation at the grass roots level. B2B offers volumes, scale of operations, substantial social impact, and sustainable business model.

Articulating cultural identity

The vision is to create a sustainable livelihood for artisans and artisan communities by bringing in an intuitive technology driven process and a digital platform that lends structure to a currently unorganized sector where even the remotest artisans can instantly access a global market


Craft traditions

Indian states

Products live

Recognized by DIPP, Ministry of commerce & industry, GovERnment of india



What really fuels our passion for bringing you the best of hand-crafted products is the testimonials from our patrons. A simple line of encouragement goes a long way in wanting to do better with every step forward.

“What can I say… Emptied my wallet and will be back for more! Absolutely fabulous stuff.”

Aarti Rao Shetty

Singer, Music Curator, Restaurateur, Artist

The saree is more beautiful than I thought. U have a great collection. Keep it up.

Shilpa Jaiswal

A walk through the studio is like a lesson in Indian History. Each piece has a story. I am in awe.”

Shilpi Chowdhury

Celebrity Haute Couture Designer and History Professor

The gypsy in me revels at the collection here. There is just so much energy and spirit in the products that you curate, gives me so much pleasure.

Elizabeth Nunes

Author, Dancer, Healer - Portugal